ERDF Regional Programmes
The European Commission classifies EU regions as either being a “Less Developed Region” (up to 74% of EU 27 Average), a “Transition Region” (75%-100% of EU27 Average), or a “More Developed Region”, (over 100% of EU average) based on their GDP per head of population relative to the EU27 average.
Both the Southern, and Eastern and Midland Regions are classed as “More Developed Regions” and the Northern & Western Region is classed as a “Transition Region”.
Reflecting the two different EU classifications of the development status of different regions, there are two ERDF programmes in Ireland,
ERDF Regional Programmes in Ireland are co-funded by the Governement of Ireland and the European Union. l
ERDF Programme Managing Authorities
In October 2020, the Irish Government appointed the Regional Assemblies to act as Managing Authorities for the ERDF & JTF Programmes for the 2021-27 programming period.
We were appointed as the Managing Authority for the Southern, Eastern and Midland Regional Programme which covers two regions. The Northern and Western Regional Assembly are the Managing Authority for the Northern and Western Regional Programme 2021-2027.
Our Involvement
As the Managing Authority for four successive Regional Programmes, we support activities such as innovation, SME support, energy efficiency, and sustainable urban development.
The Southern Eastern & Midland Regional Programme 2021-2027 will invest €663 million, including €265 million ERDF and €398 million from the Government of Ireland, to support balanced regional development and align with EU policy objectives.
If you have questions please contact our ERDF Regional Programmes Team.
Senior Management Team, Assistant Director
Enda Hogan
ERDF Regional Programme, EU Projects
Administrative Officer
Vincent Dunphy
ERDF Regional Programme
Administrative Officer
Karen Coughlan
ERDF Regional Programme
Administrative Officer
Ronan O’Brien
ERDF Regional Programme
Administrative Officer
Marie Harnett
ERDF Regional Programme
EU Executive
Sarah Davoren
ERDF Regional Programme, EU Projects
Communications Officer, Projects Officer
Lisa Moran
ERDF Regional Programme
THRIVE Project Officer
Catherine Connaughton
ERDF Regional Programme