Southern & Eastern Regional Programme
2007 – 2013
& 2000 – 2006 


As well as managing the Southern and Eastern Regional Programme 2014-20, we were the designated Managing Authority for the Regional Programmes which ran from 2000-2006 and 2007-2013 respectively. 

Tipperary, Nenagh Civic Offices

Southern and Eastern Regional Programme

The Southern and Eastern Regional Programme 2007-2013 had a total budget €687 million (€346.6m ERDF). The Programme was co-financed between the ERDF and the Irish Government. Support focused on three priority areas for investment in the region: Innovation & the Knowledge Economy, Environment & Accessibility, and Sustainable Urban Development. The final implementation report was submitted to the European Commission in 2017. 


Southern and Eastern Regional Programme

The Southern and Eastern Regional Programme 2000-2006 had a total budget of €4.1 billion, €1 billion of which supported EU co-funded projects. These investments were undertaken in local infrastructure & enterprise development projects, the agriculture & fisheries sector and a substantial investment was made in childcare facilities, training of childcare staff and the development of the childcare sector. The final implementation report was submitted to the European Commission in 2015. 

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