Programme Overview
The Southern & Eastern Regional Programme 2014-20 was a €620million package co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and national funding.
The Programme aimed to complement wider investment in targeted high growth and innovative sectors to support the creation of new quality jobs, boost innovation, increase licenses granted, and help to grow the local economies in the Southern & Eastern NUTS II region of Ireland.
It co-financed activities under five priorities, outlined below, to improve quality of life and to contribute to Ireland’s Europe 2020 targets for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth by focusing on specific growth opportunities and sectors identified in Ireland’s smart specialisation strategy to build on the Southern & Eastern region’s strengths. ERDF co-funds activities to strengthen economic and social cohesion in the EU by correcting regional imbalances.
Programme Area
The Programme’s eligible region, the Southern region & Eastern Region are NUTS II regions which account for 53% of the land area of Ireland, 73% of the population and 81% of GVA.
The regions have 17 local authority areas:
Programme Managing
We were the Managing Authority for the Southern & Eastern Programme, having managed the two previous programmes for the 2000-06 and 2007-13 periods. Approximately €4 million of the Programme budget (50% ERDF/ 50% Irish Exchequer) is allocated under Technical Assistance to assist the Managing Authority with the implementation, management, monitoring and evaluation of the Southern & Eastern Regional Programme, with the objective to support the effective implementation of the Southern & Eastern Regional Programme 2014-20.
Programme Priorities
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