Interreg North West Europe is an EU co-funded interregional cooperation programme under European Territorial Cooperation, running from 2021-27. The Programme funds projects which encourage public, private, research and civil society organisations to cooperate in order to improve the economic, environmental, social and territorial development of Europe’s regions. The Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) Programme fosters transnational cooperation to make North-West Europe a key economic player and an attractive place to work and live, with high levels of innovation, sustainability, and cohesion.
What does it support?
Interreg North-West Europe 2021-27 focuses on five main funding priorities or themes, each of which is sub-divided into Specific Objectives:
Factsheets for each Specific Objective (SO) provide summaries of territorial challenges, opportunities, objectives, target groups, activities, and expected results. These resources offer comprehensive insights into regional development strategies and project goals across the programme area.
Who can apply?
A wide range of public and private (non-profit and profit) organisations can apply for NWE funding incl. national, regional and local authorities, universities, Research & Development centres, SMEs and business support organisations, sectoral associations, NGOs, lobby organisations and citizens groups. Projects should bring together at least three partners from three different countries (often more) of which two need to be from within the NWE Programme area.
Keep informed, find partners:
Programme Resources
National Contact
point in Ireland
Southern Regional Assembly hosts the Interreg Europe National Contact Point in Ireland which supports Irish entities to get involved in consortia, make matches, and get your ideas funded. You can also visit the Programme website for further information.
Sign up to Interreg NWE Irish partners mailing list – your key words will allow the National Contact Point to “find” you if approached by an international consortium looking for an Irish partner in an area of expertise relevant to you. You will also receive newsletter updates for Ireland.