
GOI and EU Lockup (1)

Strengthening Innovation

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Funded by Horizon Europe, SMCNetZero was an 18-month project focusing on creating and strengthening local innovation ecosystems in Small and Medium-sized Cities (SMCs) and creating a Satellite Network of innovation actors including public sector representatives from Small and Medium-sized cities (SMCs), Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), academia, NGOs and investors across Europe. 
Kicking off in March 2023, SMCNetZero is a consortium of 7 participants consisting of BABLE Smart Cities (Germany), ODRAZ (Croatia), the Smart City Cluster (Spain), BLOXHUB and We Build Denmark (Denmark), Urban DNA (UK) and the Southern Regional Assembly (Ireland), that brings together successful urban innovation initiatives in Europe. 

The objectives of the project are to: 

  • 01 – Encourage the dissemination of information and knowledge on decarbonising solutions, funding opportunities, and market participants to help SMCs and SMEs adopt innovative zero-emission solutions for transport and energy. 
  • 02 – Increase collaboration and networking opportunities between providers of zero-emission solutions and public authorities from SMCs by creating a digital space and toolkit.
  • 03 – Identify and engage innovation leaders from public and private sectors in different regions to ensure high-value content and participation in the project’s activities.)
  • 04 – Ensure wide participation and maximum impact through engagement and knowledge-building activities, with a focus on underrepresented groups and organisations. 
  • 05 – Facilitate the implementation and scale-up of innovation projects in SMCs, by developing core common solutions and promoting demand aggregation to increase market attractiveness for SMEs and offer better value for SMCs. 

Benefits for SMCs and SMEs

Supporting SMCs and SMEs in achieving net zero.

The SMCNetZero partnership includes diverse entities from Europe, focusing on enhancing peripheral urban areas’ development.

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Group 9524

If you have questions about the SMCNetZero  please contact Southern Regional Assembly’s Projects Officer.

  • Acting EU Projects Officer

    Colm Walsh

    EU Projects


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