Learning Regions

news on European funding opportunities

‘Towards a Learning Region’ has identified that the Southern Region is a considerable distance behind high performers in Lifelong Learning. Intervention is required to address this gap. We are committed to the development of a Learning Region as it offers a unique opportunity to develop the UNESCO approach to support learning at scale.

Learning Region:

UNESCO Learning Cities

Map 1

‘Towards a Learning Region’ identifies 19 actions which will move us towards establishing a Learning Region. This means developing the potential of Lifelong Learning and using it as a basis for NPF, RSES and local policy implementation. Enhancing Human Capital in relation to education, upskilling and Lifelong Learning is a central theme across these actions.

Growing the Southern Region’s Human Capital base (by supporting providers of Higher Education, Further Education and Training, and Community Education) will support the supply of a skilled workforce, creating conditions necessary to deliver effective regional development. It will help achieve progress in disadvantages areas and marginalised communities and will ensure they are not left behind. In this regard, ‘Towards a Learning Region’ is a significant milestone in RSES implementation.

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Learning Region
Network Collaboration

Like the RSES, this paper is a co-production with input from ETBs, Higher Educations Institutes and other agencies in the Region, thus its implementation is dependent on multi-agency cooperation and co-ordination.

We will work with others to help develop a Learning Region Network and implement the papers actions.

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