
Submissions made by the Southern Regional Assembly

Below, you’ll find recent statutory and non-statutory submissions by the Southern Regional Assembly for various public consultations in the region.

Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP)

Under the Local Government Reform Act 2014, the Southern Regional Assembly has a statutory role in the development of Local Economic and Community Plans (LECP) across the region. As part of this process, each local authority is required to submit a draft of their LECP, encompassing both economic and community elements, to the Regional Assembly to ensure alignment with the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy and the relevant City or County Development Plan for the area.

READ LECP Sumbmissions

Government Departments

The Southern Regional Assembly actively engages with relevant government plans, policies and strategies that relate to the Region. Through submissions to government departments, the Southern Regional Assembly advocates for policy formation that aligns with the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy and promotes balanced regional development.

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Local Authorities

Under the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), all city and county development plans, local area plans, along with any variations to same, must be consistent with the relevant Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES). Local authorities must ensure their plans align with the RSES for their administrative area, in accordance with the relevant statutory provisions. To ensure consistency in the plan making process, the Southern Regional Assembly prepares submissions on any relevant local authority plans in order to enable alignment with the RSES.

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