Regional Spatial
& Economic Strategy
for the Southern Region


Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy

The Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES) provides the strategic framework for regional development in the Southern Region. Its primary goal is to implement Project Ireland 2040—the National Planning Framework—at a regional level, ensuring balanced and sustainable growth across the region. Under the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), all City and County Development Plans and their variations must align with the RSES and relevant national policies. When a local authority drafts or proposes changes to a development plan, it must refer these documents to the Regional Assembly. We review these drafts to ensure they are consistent with the RSES and, when necessary, issue formal recommendations to the local authority on amendments needed to achieve alignment with the RSES. 

As a prescribed body under the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), the Regional Assembly is consulted on specific planning matters outlined in the Act, playing a crucial role in shaping sustainable development at the regional level. 

Relevant RSES Documents 

The Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES) is a comprehensive, long-term framework that guides the physical, economic, and social development of the Southern Region. It aims to achieve balanced regional growth and fully implement Project Ireland 2040—the National Planning Framework. Here, you can access the RSES document and its associated Environmental Reports, which outline the strategy’s impact and sustainability considerations. 


You can access the RSES, the Two-Year Monitoring Report, and associated environmental reports through this link

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